Embryo Heart of the Matter: A Continuum Exploration
“By means of the formation of the heart the act of incarnation can proceed more intensely.”
— Jaap van der Wal
February can be considered Heart Month because we have Valentines’ Day. Our hearts represent love, as expressed in relationships with activities, things, other people, and hopefully ourselves. They also have a long history in our bodies.
The embryo heart begins beating around Day 22 after conception. Can you imagine that your heart has been expressing its rhythm of life all these years?! Perhaps even more impressive is how the heart becomes an organising centre generating fuller embodiment.
Many of us in the modern Western world are less embodied than we were designed to be. Meeting overwhelming conditions of life, even as an embryo, may have led us to dissociate from our body to escape the pain. We are meant to do this for a brief time until the danger passes. For too many, there is never a sense of the danger being over. We continue to live like Mr. Duffy, the James Joyce character who “lived a short distance from his body.”
Do you ever feel like you are not quite here? Not quite in your body? Not sensing as fully as you would like to? Not moving as gracefully or easily as others you admire? Does your heart hurt? Does it race or change rhythms without apparent cause? Or do you simply long for more love?
Your heart continues to be central to physical and relational health, as in the embryo. Fortunately, we can still learn from the embryo how to grow our hearts.
THIS 3-HOUR CONTINUUM CLASS intends to support us in nourishing our hearts, drawing on the fluid resilience we know as embryos, dissolving, and re-forming our hearts within the gentle field of Continuum curiosity.
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