Primordial Origins, Cosmic Wholeness - Thursday 6 week series

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HYBRID: Milan, NY, USA & virtual
Co-Lehrer (nicht CTA):
HYBRID: Milan, NY, USA & virtual
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Details zur virtuellen Klasse:
Eine virtuelle Live-Veranstaltung, die zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt online zu sehen ist.
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Continuum classes are an invitation to slow down and pay attention to our true nature and inner wisdom. Explore the movement of breath, experience voiced sound permeating every cell, and move in fluid, spacious ways that emerge from attention to deeply felt sensation.

Continuum classes are an antidote to the speed and stress of everyday life. They are a support for other movement practices, for the creative process and for other healing modalities.

All life – from a single cell to the universe has a primordial beginning – a first phase of formation, of coming into form.  In Continuum, there is the potential to immerse oneself in the primeval, in the early phases of creation. Enter the formless to dissolve tension, self-limiting patterns and habits that no longer serve growth. Embody primordial movement to discover form in new creative ways.

Being in relationship with the cosmos is to be with our true natural state. Humans and each of us individuals are expressions of the universe.  As drops in the ocean of being, we are also the ocean. Exploring the felt sense of “wholeness” can teach us. What might we learn that could serve us in our lives?

Join me for this 6-week movement exploration and meditation practice. Sequences of various breaths and sounds along with fluid movement will be offered for each participant to layer at their own pace. There is the potential to feel refreshed, renewed and move alive. Make discoveries that free you up to be an engaged participant in your own life and a vital contributor to this complex world we live in.

Milan, NY studio (mask optional) & online for distance explorers.

Thursdays  |  10:00 am –12:15 pm ET
Sept 19, 26, Oct 3, 10, 17, 24

Please click here to read more and register.

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